23-24.06.2018 IDS -2*CACIB-Mono Schnauzer Miniature, Sumy, Ukraine

Mini Masterpiece's Ferrari - 3xCAC,2xCACIB, BOS, 2xBOB

03-04.11.2018 NDS CAC-UA + IDS CACIB-FCI, Kharkov, Ukraine

Mini Masterpiece's Ferrari - 2xCAC,Best Male,CACIB, 2xBOB

IDS "Kyiv Rus 2018"
Mini Masterpiece’s Ferrari - ex.3
Judge-Rob Douma (the Netherlands)

IDS "Crystal Cup of Ukraine 2018"
Mini Masterpiece’s Ferrari -CAC,CACIB,BOB
Judge-Nadezhda Melnikova (Belarus)

And in the main ring got into the selection of the six best dogs of the second group-many thanks to the judge Anne-Marie Class (France) for choice!!!